

Newbuilding Delivery Record High

8 ships were delivered in the last week of October bringing the total containership deliveries in October to 16 units for 130,923 teu. It was the highest monthly record for new ships delivered since 2019, but will be overshadowed by the expected surge of new ship deliveries expected in the coming 2 years. Matson announced an order for 3 LNG dual-fuel 3,620 teu ships of the Aloha class for an aggregate price of $1 Bn at Philly Shipyard, adding to 2 similar units that were delivered in 2018 and 2


COSCO placed methanol-dual newbuilding order

COSCO has confirmed a new order for 12 new methanol-dual fuel ships of 24,000 teu to be built at 2 of its 50% owned shipyards – Nantong COSCO KHI and Dalian COSCO KHI. These ships cost $239.85m each and 7 units will be under OOCL’s account. It adds to 12 units of 23,000 teu that were ordered in March and October 2020 on OOCL’s account for delivery in 2023 and 2024. The earlier units will operate on conventional fuel with scrubbers and cost $156-157m each. COSCO is the second major carrier to c


Maersk raises methanol fuel orderbook to 19 units

Maersk has added 6 dual-fuel ships of 17,000 teu at Hyundai H.I. on 4 October 2022 that are able to operate on methanol, bringing its total order for green methanol containership orders to 19 units in total. It follows the landmark order of the first 2,100 teu unit at Hyundai Mipo in July 2021 and 12 units of 16,000 teu made in 2 steps in August 2021 and January 2022 at Hyundai H.I.. The new series will take the same design of its earlier 16,000 teu series that feature a forward accommodation


Containership deliveries in January 2021

The geared 2,750 teu SUVA CHIEF and the 1,276 teu DEL MONTE VALIANT are the first containerships delivered in 2021. The geared 2,750 teu SUVA CHIEF and 1,276 teu DEL MONTE VALIANT are the first containerships delivered in 2021 by the Huangpu Wenchong shipyard on 4 January


Containership deliveries in December 2020

17 ships were delivered in December in a strong finish to the year, including 2 more LNG powered ULCS for CMA CGM and a pair of F-type neo-panamax VLCS for Evergreen. List of containerships delivered in December 2020EVER FOREVER and EVER FAR are the 6th and 7th unit of Evergreen's F-type ships. A total of 20 ships are due, 8 from Samsung and 12 from Imabari.CMA CGM SCANDOLA is the second unit of EP Shipping's LNG powered 14,812 teu ships chartered to CMA CGMWAN HAI 323 and WAN HAI 325 were deli


Containership deliveries in November 2020

14 ships were delivered, led by the 3rd unit of CMA CGM's LNG-powered ULCS. List of containerships delivered in November 2020CMA CGM PALAIS ROYALHUI DA 9 is part of an original order of 14 ships of 2,444 teu ordered by Quanzhou Ansheng at Xiamen Shipyard and Taizhou Sanfu. The last 5 units were abandoned by the financially troubled Ansheng and taken over by various owners.The 653 teu XIANG SHUI YUN 26 is China's first domestic dual-fuel (LNG/diesel) containership. It is operated by Hunan Ocean


Containership deliveries in September 2020

The first ultra-large LNG powered containerships of 23,100 teu and 14,800 teu were delivered in September.


Norwegian autonomous ship project paused but Chinese project to go ahead

China could overtake Norwegian effort to build first autonomous containership

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