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Register Free Trial [] The 2M breakup will trigger another round of market instability as Maersk and MSC jostle for pole position on the East-West routes where they currently cooperate. While MSC will have sufficient new ship capacity by 2025 to fully replace Maersk’s current vessel contribution to the 2M network, an independent Maersk network will fall behind MSC, OCEAN Alliance and THE Alliance offerings. Freight rates are still droppin
Register Free Trial [] The Lunar New Year provides a timely break from the turbulence in the container markets, with more clarity to emerge after the holidays in the Far East on the direction that prices are heading. Freight rates slipped marginally in the last 2 weeks with capacity utilisation dropping in the week just before the holidays. Although carriers were able to build roll pools on the Asia-Europe route where utilisation levels we
Register Free Trial [] Capacity pressure is building up with the active containership fleet reaching its highest levels since 2020 on easing port congestion, reduced vessel idling and drydocking, coupled with a fresh influx of new ship deliveries. Total deliveries are expected to reach 2.5m teu this year, with no material delays expected and close to no order cancellations. Freight rates continued to drop, with the pre Chinese New Year ru
Register Free Trial [] The SCFI resumed its weekly drops, with the previous week’s rise turning out to be a blip. Carriers have added capacity across all main trades out of China, with the idle fleet slipping even as port congestion continues to ease. The additional capacity has negated most of the seasonal uptick in demand ahead of the Chinese New Year holidays. Capacity utilisation across the key tradelanes have remain varied, with Asia
Register Free Trial [] After 28 consecutive weeks of declines, the SCFI saw its first positive week since June 2022 after falling by 74% over the period. The rebound has little underlying strength with concerns over weaker demand continuing to keep freight rates under pressure. Capacity utilisation reached a 2 year high on the Asia-North Europe route but rates only rebounded marginally while early rate contracts concluded on the Asia-Europ
Register Free Trial [] The container market is ending the year on a weak note, with freight rates and charter rates still under pressure. Carriers are banking on a mini cargo rush to push for a new round of rate increases on 1 January with vessel utilisation out of Asia picking up last week. Chinese port congestion has also increased last week following the surge in Covid infection across Chinese cities, but this could negatively impact e
Register Free Trial [] Capacity management measures to deal with the collapse in container freight rates are helping to slow the rate declines with the SCFI recording its lowest weekly declines since July. However, more needs to be done to reverse the decline as ad-hoc blank sailings have been ineffective in reversing the rate slide while the capacity withdrawals are limited to smaller services that have not made any material impact on the
Register Free Trial [] Freight rates have continued to weaken with carriers unable to push through their mid-December GRI efforts as capacity utilisation remaining soft across all key tradelanes. Carriers remain reluctant to remove capacity in any meaningful manner apart from ad hoc blank sailings. Charter rates have found support with carriers still chasing for tonnage despite the collapse in freight rates. Today’s announcement of the ch
Register Free Trial [] Carriers failed to push through with the 1 December rate increases, with freight rates continuing to drop across the board on softening demand and weakening vessel utilisation. The sharpest rate declines were recorded on the East Coast South America, US East coast and Middle East routes last week, with attempts to raise rates in December also expected to fail. Carriers will attempt to push for a new round of rate inc
Register Free Trial [] Freight rates continue to spiral downwards with FE-Europe, FE-Middle East and FE-Australia rates suffering the sharpest falls last week, amidst volume weakness across all tradelanes. Carriers are pushing for a new round of General Rate Increases (GRI) in December but they are unlikely to succeed if surplus capacity are not removed. Contract rates for the new 2023 season appear certain to fall by as much as 80% as the