Hapag Lloyd reported before European market open today (11 May) where net profit dropped 38% QoQ and 57% YoY. The drop should be expected but fared better than the liner peers that have reported so far. Hapag Lloyd's average freight rates fell only 28% YoY versus CCFI's 68% YoY, benefited by Hapag Lloyd's higher mix in Transatlantic trade, which is not a composite in the CCFI. Hapag Lloyd EBIT at 31% in 1Q23, is better than all the other peers reported so far.
NYK and K-Line also reported beginning of this week where both operators guided the 91-92% YoY drop in the earnings from their container liner activities, in line with what MOL guided. Japanese shipping companies have the longest track record in guiding forward container liner earnings, dating back to 2005-2007. Of the 16 years where all three Japanese shipping companies have guided container liner earnings, the actual earnings beat guidance in 8 years. Their actual earnings tend to track bel
HMM has launched a new ICN (Intra Cross Network) service that operates on a two-wing butterfly pattern calling at Busan, Shanghai, Ho Chi Minh City, Laem Chabang, Ho Chi Minh City, Incheon, Busan, Qingdao, Shanghai, Kaohsiung, Manila, Busan, Dalian, Qingdao, Busan. The total duration will be 42 days using 6 Bangkokmax ships of 1,700 to 1,900 teu. The service starts on 19 May 2022 at Busan with the 1,805 teu PELICAN, followed by the 1,809 teu SKY RAINBOW, 1,762 teu INCEDA, 1,713 teu AS SUSANNA,
Containership operating speeds have fallen by 5% since last year as carriers implemented slow steaming to cut operating costs. The speed reduction is most apparent in the largest size segments above 4,000 teu where operating speeds dropped by between 1 to 2 knots compared to just 0.5 knots reduction for ships of below 4,000 teu. According to Linerlytica’s estimates, slow steaming has helped to remove up to 6% of the effective vessel supply globally but the impact has started to reverse as avera
Register Free Trial [https://www.linerlytica.com/register/?utm_source=W202319] Aggressive freight rate cuts by some lines have undermined the planned 1 May rate increase but carriers will make another attempt on 15 May to raise rates despite the weak market sentiment. Rates are already under pressure as capacity discipline is fast dissipating with carriers already reversing the slow steaming programs implemented in the 1st quarter while the idle fleet continues to shrink. The active containers
Arkas and Evergreen have teamed up to launch a new North Africa Express/North Africa (NAX/NAFR) service that connects Piraeus, Algiers, Valencia, Casablanca. The service will operate on a 20 days rotation using 2 ships with sailings every 10 days starting with the 1,164 teu UNI-ASSURE from Evergreen at Piraeus on 16 May 2023 and the 1,445 teu ROZA A from Arkas on 30 May.
COSCO, PIL and RCL have launched a new jointly operated Straits-Yangon service calling at Singapore, Yangon, Port Klang, Yangon, Singapore from 2 May 2023 that are branded respectively as the SYM1 (Singapore-Yangon-Malaysia 1), YGS (Yangon Service), RSY (RCL Straits Yangon Service). The service turns in 21 days using the 1,367 teu ISEACO WISDOM from COSCO, 1,080 teu KOTA HAPAS from PIL and 928 teu NITHI BHUM from RCL and will provide weekly connections between Singapore and Yangon on the first
Admiral Container Lines have launched a new Malta-Spain-Tunisia-Turkey-Greece intra-Med service connecting Malta, Valencia, Barcelona, Sfax, Gemlik, Izmir, Piraeus, Malta using the 518 teu AIPP GOLD that made its first call at Malta on 3 May 2023. The service operates on a fortnightly basis using a single ship.
Hapag-Lloyd will join Wan Hai as a vessel operator on the new FE-US East Coast 'AA7' service that will replace the existing service that was operated solely by Wan Hai starting from 26 April 2023. The new AA7 service will deploy 12 ships of 4,500 to 13,500 teu, with 4 ships from Hapag-Lloyd and 8 ships from Wan Hai. The smaller ships of 4,500 to 6,500 teu that Wan Hai currently operates will be gradually replaced over 2023 with larger ships of 7,500 to 13,500 teu including the new Wan Hai A-cl
Sinokor is starting a new service called Busan Ningbo Express (BNX) on a 7-day round trip calling Busan, Ulsan, Kwangyang, Ningbo, Busan with a single ship. 706 teu PACIFIC BUSAN will phase in at Busan on 6 May.