THE Alliance


ONE launch Thailand Singapore Express (TSX) feeder service

ONE will launch a new Thailand Singapore Express (TSX) feeder service connecting Laem Chabang, Singapore, Laem Chabang from 14 November 2023. The TSX service will turn in 7 days with the 4,432 teu BEAR MOUNTAIN BRIDGE. It will provide feeder connections for ONE to replace the Asia-Europe FE5 service calling Laem Chabang, Cai Mep, Singapore, Colombo, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, London Gateway, Jeddah, Singapore, Laem Chabang that is to be withdrawn by THE Alliance carriers with the last westbo


THE Alliance updates EC1 and EC2 service rotations

THE Alliance will revise the rotations of the Far East-US East Coast EC1 and EC2 services from November 2023 following the withdrawal of the EC4 service. A new call at Xiamen will be added to the EC1 service that will call at Kaohsiung, Xiamen (new), Yantian, Shanghai, Yangshan, Ningbo, Busan, Manzanillo, New York, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, Manzanillo, Balboa, Kaohsiung. A new call at Yantian is added on the EC2 service that will call at Qingdao, Yantian (new), Ningbo, Yangshan, Busan, C

Service cancellations

THE Alliance to withdraw FE5 service

THE Alliance carriers (Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, ONE and Yang Ming) will withdraw the Asia-North Europe FE5 service from November 2023. The FE5 is the second smallest of the 5 Asia-North Europe loops operated by THE Alliance and currently deploys 10 ships of 13,800-14,100 teu calling at Laem Chabang, Cai Mep, Singapore, Colombo, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, London Gateway, Jeddah, Singapore, Laem Chabang, with 1 sailing blanked on an 11 week round trip rotation. The last westbound sailing is scheduled

Service cancellations

THE Alliance to withdraw EC4 service to US East Coast

THE Alliance carriers (Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, ONE and Yang Ming) will withdraw the EC4 service from November 2023. The EC4 is 1 of the 5 FE-US East Coast services that THE Alliance currently operates. The last sailing will be made by the 14,078 teu YM WIND from Hong Kong on 6 November 2023. The service calls at Kaohsiung, Xiamen, Hong Kong, Yantian, Cai Mep, Singapore, Suez Canal, Norfolk, Savannah, Charleston, New York, Suez Canal, Singapore, Kaohsiung. The service currently deploys 11 ships of 13,


Impact of CBER expiry on the liner shipping market overplayed

The impact of the EU Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (CBER) expiry on 25 April 2024 on the liner shipping market has been overplayed by the carriers and their detractors. Of the 43 consortia that operate in the European Union in 2020, only 13 actually qualify for the block exemption while the remaining consortia exceeds the 30% market share ceiling including each of the 3 global alliances (2M, OCEAN Alliance and THE Alliance). The removal of the CBER will not impact existing alliance arra


THE Alliance suspends PN3 service

THE Alliance carriers (Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, ONE and Yang Ming) have announced the suspension of the PN3 transpacific service that connects Hong Kong, Yantian, Shanghai, Busan, Vancouver, Tacoma, Busan, Kaohsiung, Hong Kong from October 2023. The PN3 service deploys 7 ships of 8,500 to 11,700 teu with an average weekly capacity of 10,600 teu. The withdrawal will remove 3% of the current Far East-US West Coast capacity, with the last PN3 sailing departing from Hong Kong on 24 September 2023. THE Al


THE Alliance drops PS5 service

THE Alliance carriers (Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, ONE and Yang Ming) will suspend the FE-US West Coast PS5 service from August 2023. The service calls at Shanghai, Ningbo, Los Angeles, Oakland, Tokyo, Shanghai using 6 ships of 8,000-9,000 teu from ONE with an average weekly capacity of 8,468 teu. The last sailing is scheduled to depart from Shanghai on 30 July 2023. The removal of this service will reduce the overall FE-USWC capacity by 3%. THE Alliance will adjust the rotation of 3 of its FE-USWC ser


THE Alliance ends Cape of Good Hope routing on Asia-Europe services

THE Alliance carriers (Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, ONE and Yang Ming) have ended the Cape of Good Hope routing on the eastbound (backhaul) legs of the FE2, FE3 and FE4 services from North Europe to Asia that started since November 2022 and have switched back to the regular route via the Suez Canal. The last FE2 sailing to take the Cape route was the 19,870 teu AL ZUBARA that departed from Rotterdam on 5 March 2023 after 10 consecutive sailings that skipped the Suez route. The Cape routing was already en


THE Alliance diverts EC4 backhaul via Cape route

THE Alliance carriers (Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, ONE and Yang Ming) have started to divert the ships on the EC4 backhaul voyages via the Cape of Good Hope starting with the departures from the US East Coast in November 2022. A total of 9 EC4 sailings will take the longer Cape route instead of the regular passage via the Suez Canal, in a move that will allow the carriers to save on canal toll fees as well as reduce the effective capacity on the route with the EC4 sailings reduced to fortnightly departu


THE Alliance re-directs 3 Asia-Europe backhaul services to the Cape route

THE Alliance carriers (Hapag-Lloyd, HMM, ONE and Yang Ming) have re-directed ships on 3 of their 5 Asia-North Europe services to take the longer route back to Asia via the Cape of Good Hope from week 47 as carriers begin to take capacity management measures to deal with the collapse in Asia Europe freight rates. The affected services are the FE2, FE3 and FE4 with all ships on these services that are departing from Europe from the end of November 2022 being diverted from their usual Suez route

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