Total 874 Posts
Maersk is replacing the IA-80 service with a new IA-10 S. China-Siam Bay-Taiwan-Philippines service calling at Taichung, Xiamen, Hong Kong, Shekou, Sihanoukville, Bangkok, Laem Chabang, Ho Chi Minh City, Batangas, Manila North, Taichung from 16 July 2023, starting with the 1,118 teu MCC ANDALAS at Taichung. Calls at Japan and Korea ports will be taken out in the new port rotation although the calls at the Korean and Japanese ports have been omitted since March 2023. The 3 ships previously depl
MSC has changed the port coverage of 10 of its intra-Asia services in May and June 2023, with details as follows: Bengal - new rotation Belawan, Tanjung Pelepas, Singapore, Chittagong, Tanjung Pelepas, Singapore, Belawan using 3 ships of 1,700 teu from 3 June 2023. It replaces the old Bengal service calling at Qingdao, Busan, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, Singapore, Tanjung Pelepas, Chittagong, Singapore, Tanjung Pelepas, Hong Kong, Qingdao. MSC Bengal ServiceBurma - new rotation Belawan, Singapor
Transpacific vessel capacity is rising again after continuously dropping for the last 12 months, but remains 16.7% lower compared to the peak in April 2022. The recent increase was due to the injection of neo-panamax newbuildings of 13,000 to 15,000 teu into the transpacific trade. Meanwhile, Asia-Europe capacity has continued to increase due to the injection of new ships on the route, with the 2M announcing the addition of 9 more ships on their Asia-Europe services from June. Despite the reduc
SITC has revised its China Malaysia Indonesia 2 (CMI2) service that was first launched in March 2021 with calls at Semarang and Surabaya to be removed from May 2023. The new CMI2 rotation will call at Nansha, Shekou, Haiphong, Qinzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Laem Chabang, Ho Chi Minh City, Batangas, Manila(N), Nansha. The revised service will turn in 4 weeks using 4 ships of 1,000 teu to 1,300 teu - the ISEACO FORTUNE (1,367 teu), SITC QINZHOU (1,043 teu), TIGER BINTULU (1,384 teu) and TI
Containerships will combine the PGWC (Portugal-West Coast) with the POSS (Portugal South Spain) into a revamped PGWC service from 18 May 2023. The extended service will call at Dublin, Liverpool, Montoir, Leixoes, Algeciras, Vigo, Setubal, Leixoes, Ferrol, Liverpool, Dublin. The upgraded weekly service will turn around in 3 weeks starting with the 809 teu CMA CGM GOYA at Dublin on 18 May, followed by the 750 teu ENFORCER on 25 May and 868 teu WILHELM on 1 June. The service replaces the current
Evergreen will launch a new Korea Taiwan Haiphong (KTH) service calling at Hakata, Ulsan, Busan, Kwangyang, Qingdao, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Haiphong, Kaohsiung, Taipei, Hakata on 21-day round trip with three 1,700 teu-1,900 teu ships from 4 June 2023. The KTH service will deploy the 1,984 teu EVER CLEVER, 1,844 teu EVER CHASTE and 1,708 teu QUEZON BRIDGE that will phase in at Hakata on 4 June, 14 June and 28 June respectively. QUEZON BRIDGE will be replaced by the 1,809 teu EVER CHARM on 11 July a
HMM has launched a new ICN (Intra Cross Network) service that operates on a two-wing butterfly pattern calling at Busan, Shanghai, Ho Chi Minh City, Laem Chabang, Ho Chi Minh City, Incheon, Busan, Qingdao, Shanghai, Kaohsiung, Manila, Busan, Dalian, Qingdao, Busan. The total duration will be 42 days using 6 Bangkokmax ships of 1,700 to 1,900 teu. The service starts on 19 May 2022 at Busan with the 1,805 teu PELICAN, followed by the 1,809 teu SKY RAINBOW, 1,762 teu INCEDA, 1,713 teu AS SUSANNA,
Arkas and Evergreen have teamed up to launch a new North Africa Express/North Africa (NAX/NAFR) service that connects Piraeus, Algiers, Valencia, Casablanca. The service will operate on a 20 days rotation using 2 ships with sailings every 10 days starting with the 1,164 teu UNI-ASSURE from Evergreen at Piraeus on 16 May 2023 and the 1,445 teu ROZA A from Arkas on 30 May.
COSCO, PIL and RCL have launched a new jointly operated Straits-Yangon service calling at Singapore, Yangon, Port Klang, Yangon, Singapore from 2 May 2023 that are branded respectively as the SYM1 (Singapore-Yangon-Malaysia 1), YGS (Yangon Service), RSY (RCL Straits Yangon Service). The service turns in 21 days using the 1,367 teu ISEACO WISDOM from COSCO, 1,080 teu KOTA HAPAS from PIL and 928 teu NITHI BHUM from RCL and will provide weekly connections between Singapore and Yangon on the first
Admiral Container Lines have launched a new Malta-Spain-Tunisia-Turkey-Greece intra-Med service connecting Malta, Valencia, Barcelona, Sfax, Gemlik, Izmir, Piraeus, Malta using the 518 teu AIPP GOLD that made its first call at Malta on 3 May 2023. The service operates on a fortnightly basis using a single ship.