Total 850 Posts
Maersk will launch a new AC1 service connecting Ningbo, Qingdao, Busan, Lazaro Cardenas, Posorja, Ningbo from 30 June 2024. The AC1 service will turn in 56 days and will deploy 8 ships of 4,200 teu to 5,100 teu starting with the 4,395 teu REN JIAN 17 at Ningbo on 30 June 2024. The service will complement Maersk's existing AC2 and AC3 service connecting Asia to the West Coast of South America. The AC2 service will be revised with the removal of the call at Posorja while Lazaro Cardenas and Manz
CMA CGM will launch a new EMED1 service connecting Antalya, Alexandria, Beirut, Antalya from 10 July 2024 with the 1,118 teu WILHELMINE. The weekly servce will turn in 7 days.
MSC will launch a new Dahlia service connecting Shekou, Xiamen, Shanghai, Busan, Manzanillo, Lazaro Cardenas from 3 August 2024. The new service will complement the Mexicas service that was just launched by MSC in May 2024 with a revised rotation that will call at Xingang, Qingdao, Ningbo, Busan, Manzanillo, Lazara Cardenas with a new call at Xingang added while the previous call at Shanghai will be removed and shifted to the Dahlia service. The first sailing for the new Dahlia service is sche
SITC has launched a new Malaysia-India-Myanmar (MIM) service calling at Port Klang, Haldia, Yangon, Port Klang from 5 June 2024. The MIM turns in 14 days and deploys 2 ships of 907 teu starting with the SITC NAGOYA at Haldia on 5 June and followed by the SITC TIANJIN.
MSC will launch a new EMUSA service connecting Tekirdag, Gebze, Aliaga, Haifa, Fos, Barcelona, Valencia, Sines, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Savannah, Tekirdag from 20 June 2024. The EMUSA will replace the existing Turkiye/West Med to USA service with new direct calls at Fos and Barcelona, while former calls at Gioia Tauro, Baltimore and Port Everglades are dropped in the new streamlined service. The EMUSA will turn in 7 weeks and will deploy ships of 4,000-6,700 teu starting with the 5,060
Arkas and Turkon have jointly launched a new Red Sea 1 (RS1)/Turkiye Red Sea Express (TRE) service connecting Ambarli, Izmit, Aliaga, Jeddah, Aqaba, Ambarli from 15 June 2024. The RS1/TRE will operate weekly, turning in 14 days and deploys the 1,878 teu TURKON ISTANBUL from Turkon and 1,604 teu WANDA A from Arkas.
SITC has launched at new Vietnam Thailand Express 6 (VTX6) service connecting Shanghai, Ningbo, Sihanoukville, Laem Chabang, Ho Chi Minh City, Nansha, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Shanghai The VTX6 will turn in 28 days and deploys 4 ships of 1,000 teu starting with the 1,043 teu SITC HOCHIMINH at Shanghai on 11 June 2024.
COSCO will replace the existing OCEAN Alliance CPNW/PNW4/PE2/Twin Peaks Express (TWPKS) service calling at Yantian, Hong Kong, Ningbo, Shanghai, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, Yantian with a revised rotation that omits the Vancouver call which is shifted to the new China-Pacific Northwest Coast/Vancouver (CPV) service calling at Ningbo, Shanghai, Vancouver, Seattle, Lianyungang, Ningbo starting from 12 June 2024. OOCL, Evergreen and CMA CGM will retain their slots on the 2 services. COSCO will also
CMA CGM will launch a new India East Coast Express 2 (IEX2) service calling at Singapore, Chennai, Colombo, Singapore from 27 June 2024. The service will turn in 14 days using the 1,738 teu HANSA HOMBURG on a fortnightly frequency.
MSC will launch a new Carioca service connecting Busan, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, Singapore, Rio de Janeiro, Paranagua, Itapoa, Santos, Itaguai, Colombo, Singapore, Busan from 19 July 2024. The FE-ECSA service will turn in 13 weeks starting with the 7,847 teu MSC YOKOHAMA.