

SeaLead introduces MEDSA service

SeaLead has launched a new Mediterranean-South America (MEDSA) service from 12 November 2023 that connects Casablanca, Itapoa, Paranagua, Santos, Casablanca. The first sailing was made by the 1,723 teu GREEN HOPE that departed from Casablanca on 13 November and arrived in Santos on 29 November. The service will turn in 5 weeks and will initially operate on a monthly frequency with only 1 ship with more ships to be added subsequently. Relay connections will be offered at Casablanca to Barcelona


SeaLead introduces Red Sea Service

SeaLead will launch a new Red Sea Service connecting Jeddah, Djibouti, Hodeidah, Jeddah from mid December 2023 with the 1,732 teu HAIAN WEST. The service will turn in 18-28 days using a single ship initially on an irregular frequency due to congestion at Hodeidah.


SeaLead, Sinotrans, SITC and TSL jointly launch new Far East-India Express (FIX/FIE1/CIE) service

SeaLead, Sinotrans, SITC and TS Lines are jointly launching a new Far East-India Express/China India Express (FIX/FIE1/CIE) service from 23 August 2023. The new service will call at Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Port Kelang, Shekou, Qingdao. The service will deploy 5 ships of 2,400-4,400 teu, the 4,395 teu REN JIAN 27 from SeaLead, 2,400 teu SNL HAIKOU from Sinotrans, 2,698 teu SITC ZHAOMING from SITC, 2,900 teu TS MELBOURNE from TSL and a 5th ship that remains to b


SeaLead extends India-Red Sea WARM service to Turkey

SeaLead has extended the West Asia-Red Sea WARM service to Turkey starting from 21 July 2023. The revised WARM service will call at Nhava Sheva, Mundra, Kandla, Damietta, Ambarli, Damietta, Jeddah, Nhava Sheva. The service will turn in 35 days using up to 5 ships of 1,400-2,o00 teu. The service was first introduced in March 2023 and called irregularly at Nhava Sheva, Mundra, Jebel Ali, Jeddah, Nhava Sheva. The extension of the service to Turkey will provide transhipment options for further o


SeaLead starts Australia India Pakistan (ASIA) service

SeaLead’s new Australia India Pakistan (ASIA) service has started on 21 March 2023 with the 4,395 teu REN JIAN 26 that has been newly chartered from Antong for a period of 6 months. The service calls at Port Klang, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Port Klang, Karachi, Mundra, Nhava Sheva, Port Klang. The service will operate on an irregular frequency of around 3 to 4 weeks, with a second ship expected to phase in April.


SeaLead to launch Australia-India ASIA service

SeaLead will launch a new Australia-Indian Subcontinent service branded as the ASIA service from 20 March. The service will start from 20 March 2023 with the 4,250 teu REN JIAN 26 and call at Port Klang, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Port Klang, Karachi, Mundra, Nhava Sheva, Port Klang. The service will be operate on an irregular basis with only 2 ships with a frequency of 20-30 days, with plans to increase the frequency in the second half of 2023. SeaLead's ASIA service port rotation


SeaLead replaces direct Transpacific service with new transhipment option

SeaLead has ended its direct services on the Transpacific connecting China with the US and replaced it with a transhipment option to the the US East Coast by transhipment via Damietta. SeaLead started its transpacific operations in August 2021 on the Asia-US West Coast and added a Asia-US East Coast service via the Panama Canal in March 2022. These services were operated on an irregular basis using ships of 3,500 to 7,000 teu. The direct transpacific connections have stopped since December 2022


SeaLead launch new Mediterranean-US East Coast service

SeaLead has introduced a new Mediterranean-US East Coast (MEC) service connecting New York, Norfolk, Charleston, Jacksonville, Damietta, New York. The MEC service started on 22 January 2023 with the 3,380 teu AVNI from New York, after a trial Transatlantic run by the same vessel in December 2022. The new service turns in 5 weeks but will operate on an irregular basis with only 1 ship currently deployed.


SeaLead reroutes Asia-US East Coast service via Suez

SeaLead will re-route its Asia-US East Coast (AEC) service from Panama to the Suez route by transhipment at Damietta. The service will replace its previous AEC service that was first launched in March 2022 to connect Nansha, Ningbo, Qingdao, Busan, Norfolk, New York, Charleston, Jacksonville, Nansha via the Panama Canal. TS Lines joined the service in July 2022 by adding a 5,400 teu ship to complement the 3 ships of 4,900-6,900 teu that SeaLead employed on the AEC. This service has been suspende


SeaLead launch Five Seas Express (5CX) from China to the Red Sea and Mediterranean

SeaLead has launched a new Five Seas Express (5CX) service connecting Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Nansha, Port Klang, Jeddah, Damietta, Ambarli, (Misurata - irregular), Damietta, Jeddah, Port Klang, Qingdao. The service started on 12 December 2022 with the 6,966 teu TIMON, followed by the 6,661 teu HAKUNA MATATA on 15 December 2022 and the 5,060 teu PUMBA on 28 December 2022 from Qingdao. It will turn in 10 weeks on an irregular frequency, with 6 ships of 5,000-7,000 teu currently assigned to t

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