Middle East


MSC launch India to East Med service

MSC has launched a new INDIA TO EAST MED service connecting Abu Dhabi, Jebel Ali, Hamad, Jubail, Abu Dhabi, Karachi, Mundra, Hazira, King Abdullah Port, Alexandria, Tekirdag, Aliaga, Mersin, King Abdullah Port, Abu Dhabi. The service started from 8 December 2022 and deploys 5 ships of 4,400 to 8,800 teu. Port rotation of the new INDIA TO EAST MED


Feedertech and X-Press Feeders launch new Jebel Ali Red Sea X-Press (JRX)

Feedertech and X-Press Feeders have introduced a new weekly Jebel Ali Red Sea X-Press (JRX) feeder service connecting Jebel Ali, Jeddah, Sokhna, Jeddah, Jebel Ali from 5 February 2023. The JRX service will present transshipment options via Jebel Ali for cargo to and from the India Subcontinent, Gulf and Asia, as well as to and from Sudan and Aden. The service will deploy turn in 21 days using 3 ships of 1,700-2,000 teu starting with the 2,015 teu AS ALVA and 1,714 teu OCEANA from Feedertech t


PIL/CUL/ESL/KMTC/RCL/Wan Hai upgrade Middle East Gulf-China Service

The Middle East Gulf-China service that is jointly operated by a consortium of 6 carriers (PIL/CUL/ESL/KMTC/RCL/Wan Hai) will be upgraded from 9 January 2023 with new calls at Hamad and Singapore (westbound). The revised rotation will call at Shanghai, Ningbo, Nansha, Shekou, Singapore, Jebel Ali, Dammam, Hamad, Singapore, Shanghai. The service was first launched in November 2021 and is branded respectively as the Gulf China Service (GCS) by PIL and KMTC, Asia Gulf Express (AGX) by CUL, Gulf Ch


HMM and NYK Bulk & Projects team up on FE-ME MPV service

HMM and NYK Bulk & Projects (NBP) have signed a collaboration agreement on 19 December 2022 to jointly operate a weekly break-bulk liner service between the Far East and Middle East. HMM currently operates 4 owned mpp ships of 30,100 dwt/1,888 teu equipped with 2 heavy-lift cranes of 320 tons that can be combined to lift 640 tons. It also charters in 1 to 2 heavy lift ships from AAL from a cooperation arrangement concluded in 2018. These mpp ships are mostly deployed on the Middle East route,


X-Press Feeders to launch Sohar Qatar X-Press (SQX)

X-Press feeders will launch a new Sohar Qatar X-Press (SQX) service connecting Jebel Ali, Sohar, Jebel Ali, Mesaieed, Hamad, Jebel Ali on a butterfly rotation that will turn weekly in 7 days using a single 1,700 teu ship. The SQX is scheduled to start from Sohar on 1 January 2023.

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