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The SCFIS finally caught up with the recent spot rate hikes, rising by 11.8% on 14 November after 2 weeks of lackluster gains, reflecting the backward looking nature of the index that captures actual settled rates. The cumulative gain of 14.6% logged by the SCFIS in the last 4 weeks has lagged behind the SCFI’s 30.3% rise in the same period. However, the positive rate momentum is shifting with MSC slashing their rates to $3,700-3,800 per feu until the end of November, undercutting rivals’ rates
Charter rates continue to firm across all size segments, with the lack of supply of fresh tonnage pushing charterers to commit to not just higher rates but also forward deliveries into 2025. All of the laycans registered in the past week was in the smaller size segments of 2,800 teu and below, with the lack of tonnage in the larger sizes continuing to limit the number of transactions recorded. Interest from Russia related carriers remain firm with Uniglobal and OVP taking on smaller feeder ship
The outcome of the US presidential elections will drive further instability in the container markets, with US imports poised to rise ahead of the potential imposition of new tariffs. Based on data collected since 2018, the cargo front loading could raise US container imports by as much as 10% to 15% in the next 3 months. Although this will drive up freight rates in the short term, the longer term impact of any trade war on global container volumes will be negative even though US import tariffs i
This morning, many container freight futures contracts dropped to their daily limit. The EC market is circulating a story about MSC reducing freight rates to $3,800 per FEU. The author has not yet been able to validate this claim. However, the fact that MSC and Maersk are still not quoting over $5,000 per FEU for shipments after mid-November may have triggered a reaction from EC traders. The sell-off this morning is still concentrated on longer-dated contracts, reflecting a belief in the EC mark
The freight futures market continues to follow a pattern similar to yesterday, with near-term contracts being bought and longer-dated ones sold. One point we overlooked yesterday is that Hapag Lloyd began quoting $7,000/FEU rates online. However, most liners kept their online quotations unchanged over the past two days. Utilization improved slightly overnight, as the CMA CGM ZHENG HE, which departed yesterday, registered nearly 100% utilization. Far East - North Europe Head Haul
The EC market is in "Trump trade mode" this morning, with near-term contracts rallying while longer-dated contracts have dropped. This movement is based on the expectation that Trump's tariffs on Chinese goods will lead to an increase in shipments before the tariffs are implemented, followed by a decrease in shipment volume afterward. However, the author believes that the impact of the tariffs is weaker than the organic growth in U.S. consumption, which is a key demand factor for container shipp
EC2502, the main contract of EC, rose 10% yesterday (November 5) on strong volume and maintained this gain through the morning session today, despite increasing concerns about the impact of the Trump administration on Chinese exports. Since our last daily update on November 1, COSCO and Evergreen have also raised their quotations for Asia-North Europe shipments to over $5,000/FEU. However, utilization has been declining since November 1. Far East - North Europe Head Haul
Further turmoil on the transpacific market is expected next year with potential US import tariff hikes dampening the buoyant demand that has seen eastbound container volumes from Asia to the US jump by 14.7% in the first 9 months of 2024. US imports have been particularly strong in the 3rd quarter, with average monthly volumes matching the COVID peaks in 2021-2022. Imports from Vietnam have increased by 26%, with its share of US imports from the Far East reaching 14% compared to just 5% a decad
Europe Contracts (EC) saw an increase of 3-10% during the morning session, with 47,174 contracts traded. EC2502 emerged as the main contract by volume, rising by 10% today following MSC's announcement to raise the FE-NEUR freight rate for the second half of November shipments to $5,500 per FEU. ONE also increased its quotations for the second half of November to $5,000 per FEU, up from $4,600 per FEU quoted yesterday. The CMA CGM CHAMPS ELYSEES departed yesterday (October 31) at 101% utilizatio
The EC2412 dropped to a low of 2,900 at the open yesterday (29 October) and then continued to recover as traders digested the conflicting freight rate quotations from different liners. Average utilization continued to improve as shippers rushed to send out their shipments ahead of the general rate increase scheduled for November 1, this Friday. On October 28, four ships departed Singapore for Northern Europe with over 96% utilization. Over the past two days, online quotations from the liners