Latin America


CMA CGM revamp Brazex services

CMA CGM will revamp its existing BRAZEX 1 and BRAZEX 2 services that connects the US Gulf Coast with the Caribbeans and Brazil. The NEW BRAZEX will start from 11 November and call at New Orleans, Houston, Veracruz, Kingston, Cartagena, Salvador, Santos, Navegantes, Paranagua, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Cartagena, Kingston, New Orleans with 7 ships of 3,600-6,000 teu. A separate MANAUS SHUTTLE service will start from 29 November and call at Kingston, Manzanillo, Manaus, Vila do Conde, Kingston us


X-Press Feeders launch Chile Peru X-Press (CPX)

X-Press Feeders has launched a new Chile Peru X-Press (CPX) service from 11 October 2022 calling at Callao, Arica, Iquique, Callao using the 1,638 teu BALTIC PETREL.


CMA CGM and COSCO/OOCL to launch new FE-WCSA service (ACSA 5/ WSA 5/TLP6)

CMA CGM, COSCO and OOCL will launch a new Far East-West Coast South America service from the end of June 2022 calling at Hong Kong, Shekou, Ningbo, Shanghai, Manzanillo, Puerto Quetzal, San Antonio, Hong Kong. The service will turn in 10 weeks, using 5 ships of 3,300 teu to 5,090 teu on a fortnightly frequency with 3 ships from CMA CGM and 2 ships from COSCO. The first sailing is scheduled on 28 June 2022 with the 3,314 teu COLOMBO from COSCO. The service is branded as the Asia Central South A


Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd, ONE start cooperation on US West Coast-Central America trade

Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd and ONE will cooperate on the US West Coast-Central America route through a joint service arrangement on 2 existing services starting from the end of June 2022. Maersk, through its Sealand subsidiary, will join the MAREX/CCE service currently operated by Hapag-Lloyd and ONE, replacing one of the 2,800 teu ships from ONE, with the 3 partners to operate one ship each on the service that calls at Los Angeles, Mazatlan, Manzanillo, Lazaro Cardenas, Acajutla, Corinto, Caldera, Pu

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