

MSC adds Ingonyama feeder

MSC has launched the Ingonyama service connecting Coega, East London, Coega on 2 April 2024 with the 1,118 teu MSC TOKATA F. The new service will provide connections at Coega to MSC's global network as an alternative to trucking to East London which is located some 270km away by road.


MSC adds Malacca service

MSC has launched a new Malacca service connecting Singapore, Belawan, Singapore with the 2,113 teu MSC JANIS 3 from 6 February 2024. The weekly feeder service will turn in 7 days using a single ship.


CMA CGM & Maersk introduce Cape Town feeder service

CMA CGM and Maersk will jointly launch a new Cape Town Feeder/Cape Town Express service connecting Port Louis, Cape Town, Port Louis from 9 January 2024. The service will turn in 4 weeks using 4 ships of 2,200-2,500 teu starting with the CMA CGM FORT ST GEORGES, MAERSK NEWARK, MAERSK NANSHA and CMA CGM ANTIOQUIA. The service will cater for connections to Cape Town at Port Louis on the updated Shaka/Safari service jointly operated by CMA CGM and Maersk that will call at Shanghai, Ningbo, Shekou,


Hapag-Lloyd adds Thailand Singapore Express (TSX)

Hapag-Lloyd has added a new Thailand Singapore Express (TSX) service from 13 November 2023 calling at Laem Chabang, Singapore, Laem Chabang with the 2,783 teu ATHENA. The service will feeder connections Hapag-Lloyd to replace the Asia-Europe FE5 service calling Laem Chabang, Cai Mep, Singapore, Colombo, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, London Gateway, Jeddah, Singapore, Laem Chabang that was withdrawn with the last westbound sailing at Laem Chabang on 7 November 2023 by the 14,078 YM WREATH.


ONE and Hai An to launch Vietnam Singapore feeder service

ONE and Hai An will launch a new jointly operated Vietnam Singapore Express (VSX) service from 4 January 2024 calling at Haiphong, Cai Mep, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Haiphong. The weekly service will turn in 2 weeks using the 1,577 teu HAIAN VIEW and 1,708 teu HAIAN ROSE, with each partner to operate one ship each with ONE to charter the HAIAN VIEW from Hai An for the service.


ONE launch Thailand Singapore Express (TSX) feeder service

ONE will launch a new Thailand Singapore Express (TSX) feeder service connecting Laem Chabang, Singapore, Laem Chabang from 14 November 2023. The TSX service will turn in 7 days with the 4,432 teu BEAR MOUNTAIN BRIDGE. It will provide feeder connections for ONE to replace the Asia-Europe FE5 service calling Laem Chabang, Cai Mep, Singapore, Colombo, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, London Gateway, Jeddah, Singapore, Laem Chabang that is to be withdrawn by THE Alliance carriers with the last westbo


CNC, COSCO & Samudera team up for Singapore-Haiphong feeder

CNC (CMA CGM), COSCO and Samudera have teamed up to operate a new Singapore-Haiphong feeder service offering twice weekly departures using 3 ships on an 10-11 day rotation. The service is branded respectively as the Haiphong Singapore Feeder 1 (HSF1CNC) by CNC, Singapore-North Vietnam Express (NVX) by COSCO and North Vietnam Service (NVS) by Samudera. The joint service incorporates the 3 carriers' existing North Vietnam services, with the existing NVX/NVS operated by COSCO and Samudera revamped


PIL & Samudera launch joint Belawan-Singapore-Bangkok service

PIL and Samudera have teamed up to launch a joint Belawan-Singapore-Bangkok service from 11 May 2023. The butterfly service turns in 2 weeks using the 1,080 teu KOTA HANDAL from PIL  and the 1,141 teu ALS SUMIRE from Samudera that will call alternately on the Singapore, Belawan, Singapore leg (branded as SMS by PIL and BLW by Samudera) and Singapore, Bangkok, Singapore leg  (branded as BK1 by PIL and BKK by Samudera).


Hapag-Lloyd to launch Vietnam Indonesia Straits (VIS) service

Hapag-Lloyd will launch a new Vietnam Indonesia Straits (VIS) service that connects Ho Chi Minh City, Singapore, Port Klang, Belawan, Penang, Port Klang, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City. The new service will turn in 2 weeks and starts from 10 April 2023 with the 1,781 teu CAT LAI EXPRESS that is shifted from the current Singapore-Vietnam Feeder (VNF) service. Hapag-Lloyd's new VIS service rotation


ESL to lauch 2 Indonesia feeder services through slots on RCL

Emirates Shipping Line (ESL) will launch 2 services connecting its Southeast Asia hub of Port Klang with the Indonesian ports of Jakarta and Surabaya in January 2023. The JKT service connecting Port Klang, Jakarta, Port Klang will start on 6 January 2023 and the SUB service connecting Port Klang, Surabaya, Port Klang will start from 8 January 2023. Both of these services are offered through a slot arrangement with RCL who are operating the feeder services as part of its ASEAN feeders network.

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