Container Freight Futures


Bigger Than Expected Fall in SCFIS Triggered Sell-off

The pace of the SCFI and SCFIS declines continued to accelerate last week with the SCFI assessment to North Europe falling by 11.9% while the SCFIS that came out after market close on 2 Sep dropped by 6.9% following the previous week’s 7.3% decline. Carriers continue to cut their spot rates, with average FAK quotations falling below $6,000/FEU with carriers giving up all the rate gains secured since June this year. Asia-North Europe volumes are down 5% from their peak, with average capacity uti


CoFIF rebounds ahead of Chinese New Year holidays

CoFIF prices moved up on each of the 4 trading days last week before the Chinese New Year holidays before the market closed for its extended holiday on 9 Feb to 18 Feb. Traders were reluctant to hold on to their positions during extended market closure given the steep backwardation in the CoFIF market with forward prices still trading at a discount of up to 60% lower than current SCFIS prices. The Asia-North Europe April contracts (EC2404) closed at 2,108 compared to the most recent SCFIS level


New Container Freight Future Turnover Nearly $500mn in first 30 minutes of trading

After nearly 6 years of suspension, container freight futures are returning to the Shanghai market today. The turnover reached Rmb3.8bn ($500mn) in the first 30 minutes of trading, which is similar to the weekly freight revenue of the FE-NEUR route. source: BANDS FinancialThe product is now called Containerized Freight Index Futures (CoFIF). This product is being traded at INE (Shanghai International Energy Exchange), a subsidiary of Shanghai Future Exchange and is regulated by CSRC (China Sec

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