
Daily CoFIF: SCFI likely down about 10% WoW

Freight futures for Shanghai-North Europe route continue their rebound today with main contract which is EC2412 up 7% for the day at 10:50, following the broader capital market in China. Average online quotations for Shanghai to North Europe base ports dropped 1% to 8% overnight, with shipments departing in middle of October see the biggest freight rates cut. CMA CGM released first update since 18 Sep that it slashed its quotations by 14%. Maersk took the lead from HMM by offering the lower fr


Daily CoFIF: Quotation Still Down

In the Asia-Europe trade, most freight rates quoted online are still down with Hapag Lloyd making relatively bigger cut than what other liners do. Lowest FAK quotation is $3,382 per FEU from HMM. Utilization for departures on 24th Sep, both TEH services, were above average, supported by THE alliance members' more aggressive pricing. Asia-Europe Head Haul Capacity UtilizationLast Friday, the average quotation given by the liners is about $4,136/FEU, which is consistent with the SCFI (Europe)'


Container freight futures edged up

EC freight futures rebounded on 23 September with smaller than expected rate cut by 2M and OCEAN Alliance carrier, with the spillovers from the expected US East Coast dockworkers’ strike scheduled to start on 1 October. EC traders continue rely heavily on surveys of carriers’ FAK rate quotations which dropped by -7% last week (Week 38) compared to the -18% drop in Week 35. However, the EC rates is expected to weaken in the coming week following the 13.9% WoW drop in the SCFIS on 23 September wh


Freight futures rally short lived with further turbulence expected

EC freight futures closed higher last week, with the INE taking an extended 4-day break for the mid-autumm festival from 14 to 17 September. Traders covered their short positions over the past week after Maersk temporarily set their floor rates at $4,400 per FEU but the restraint proved short lived with carriers resuming their aggressive price cutting while Maersk lowered its online quotation to $4,000 per FEU over the weekend, marking a further 10% decrease week over week. The market is expect


Freight futures continue downward spiral

The main EC freight futures contracts for December 2024 (EC2412) tumbled by 23% over the past week on high trading volumes. Carriers continued to slash FAK rates to North Europe, with market sentiment remaining bearish. Contrarian views are providing support for EC2410 on the belief that October contracts have been oversold at its current 52% discount to the SCFIS. Open interests increased by 11% WoW, indicating the high conviction that traders have on their positions.


Bigger Than Expected Fall in SCFIS Triggered Sell-off

The pace of the SCFI and SCFIS declines continued to accelerate last week with the SCFI assessment to North Europe falling by 11.9% while the SCFIS that came out after market close on 2 Sep dropped by 6.9% following the previous week’s 7.3% decline. Carriers continue to cut their spot rates, with average FAK quotations falling below $6,000/FEU with carriers giving up all the rate gains secured since June this year. Asia-North Europe volumes are down 5% from their peak, with average capacity uti


Freight futures poised for further weakness

EC freight futures will come under further pressure this week after the SCFIS was published after market close on 26 August with a sharp 7.3% WoW drop, against the 2.3% WoW decline last week. The drop was worse than traders’ expectations as futures prices had rallied last week on stalled Gaza peace talks and the relatively mild drop in the SCFIS on 19 Aug of just 2.3%. Carriers continue to slash rates last week, with average rate quotations from Shanghai to North Europe falling from $8,500/FEU


Shanghai freight futures predict further rate declines

Container freight rates are poised to fall by over 70% by June next year, based on the latest CoFIF EC contracts traded on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE). Although the drop is not as severe as the freight rate collapse seen at the end of 2022, current freight futures prices anticipate continuous declines over the coming 12 months, with no rebound expected at the end of this year and no repeat of this year’s post Chinese New Year rate rally in 2025. Carriers have failed to che


Freight Futures Went Limit Down On Gaza Peace Talk

Continued spot rate weakness and renewed Gaza ceasefire talks brought the longer dated EC futures contracts down to their daily limit on 19 August. EC2408 contracts held up with the SCFIS falling by less than expected, down by 2.3% WoW after market close. EC2410 also largely held its ground as the October contracts are already trading at a 48% discount to current spot rates. The latest EC2410 closing price has built in weekly drops of 7% each week over the next 2 months against the SCFIS’ 1-2%


EC freight futures dragged down by spot rate weakness

Freight futures to North Europe dropped across the board last week, with US recession concerns weighing negatively on market sentiment. The emergence of some sub-$8,000/feu quotations for shipments departing in second half of August for Asia-North Europe route triggered a fresh round of sell-offs for the EC2410 contracts last Thursday, as the rate erosion appears to be accelerating even though capacity to North Europe remains tight. Preliminary vessel utilization for the Asia-North Europe route

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