

CMA CGM/X-Press Feeders launch Ceylon Chittagong Service (CBS)/Upper Bay of Bengal - Loop 3 (UBB-Loop3)

CMA CGM and X-Press Feeders have launched a new Ceylon Chittagong Service (CBS)/Upper Bay of Bengal - Loop 3 (UBB-Loop3) service connecting Colombo, Chittagong, Colombo from 2 December 2024. The CBS/UBB-Loop3 turns in 14 days using 4 ships of 1,500-1,700 teu with CMA CGM contributing 1 of the 4 ships starting with the 1,714 teu SANTA LOUKIA, whil X-Press Feeders will deploy the 1,577 teu SMOOTH VENTURE together with the 1,756 teu X-PRESS NILWALA and MOUNT CAMERON.

Port Congestion

Congestion at Chittagong Worsened

Bangladesh port congestion continues to build up over the past week with the number of ships waiting to dock increasing sharply while port operations remains disrupted in the aftermath of the collapse of the government. Although an interim government was formed on 8 August, there has been no improvements in the port situation with more than 20 containerships currently waiting to berth at Chittagong and average delays rising to 7-10 days. Ships operated by Bangladesh’s sole local container carri

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