Evergreen will launch a new North China-Indonesia (NCI) service calling at Xingang, Dalian, Qingdao, Gunsan, Ningbo, Nansha, Ho Chi Minh City, Tanjung Pelepas, Jakarta, Surabaya, Manila (S), Batangas, Hakata, Xingang. The NCI service will start from 29 March 2024 at Nansha with the 1,904 teu EVER CHART. It will turn in 5 weeks using 5 ships of 1,900-2,600 teu to cover 7 different countries in the North Asia to Southeast Asia corridor.
There are basically two freight futures products one being Freightos Baltic's CFFA(container freight forward agreement) being traded at SGX (Singapore Exchange) and CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange), and INE's CoFIF (container freight index futures). INE (International Energy Exchange) is the exchange that faces offshore traders/users under Shanghai Futures Exchange. Key findings: 1. CoFIF has liquidity while CFFA doesn't. Liquidity is probably 99.9% of the determining factors about whet
Global port congestion continues to ease with a notable fall in congestion at Chinese ports. Overall congestion at North Asia’s ports have dropped to their lowest levels since June 2021, with no serious congestion reported apart from Ningbo and Shanghai but average waiting times have fallen to less than 1 day. North American port congestion is limited at Oakland (up to 6 days), Tacoma (up to 4 days) and Savannah (up to 3 days) with no congestion reported at the main terminals at LA/LB and NY/NJ
CMA CGM reported 4Q 2023 EBITDA earnings of $630m for its container shipping business, out-performing Maersk for the second straight quarter. Maersk had reported EBITDA of $196m and EBIT losses of -$920m in the quarter . CMA CGM’s EBIT losses is estimated at between -$670m to -$770m, based on depreciation and amortisation expenses of $1.3 Bn to 1.4 Bn in the 4th quarter, with the company no longer reporting its EBIT figures since 4Q 2023. The 4Q EBIT losses dwarfs CMA CGM’s previous quarterly p
Matson reported full year results on 20 Feb, with further details to the headline earnings already provided in Jan. Matson was able to buck the trend of negative operating profits reported by its larger rivals, with liner operating earnings of $66m in the 4th quarter of 2023, while group level net profits reached $62m. Matson’s container liftings dropped 5% YoY in the 4th quarter, and although overall utilisation levels continued to drop in 1Q 2024, it has outperformed last year’s trend, in lin
Containership charter rates continued their rise with the Red Sea crisis still pushing up demand. Rates for larger ship are edging up at a faster pace with demand remaining high while supply is limited. Rates are 15-30% in the larger segments above 4,000 teu are 15-30% higher compared to a year ago, with charter periods lengthening to up to 3 years. Carriers are taking advantage of increased demand and high freight rates to the Red Sea region (including Aden, Jeddah and Djibouti) to add new ser
The Red Sea crisis continues to drive the container market as the number of ships diverted to the Cape route hit a fresh high with no signs of abating. This will continue to create a capacity shortage across all routes, with the Cape diversions and incremental capacity needed to connect to Red Sea and Med ports already soaking up more than 7% of the global containership fleet. Freight rates retained most of the January gains, with the SCFI shedding only 5.8% of its pre-Chinese New Year peak whil
Asia-North Europe forward rate contracts on Shanghai’s CoFIF has traded at a discount of over 50% to the spot rate for over a month and last week’s SCFI drop triggered a further 4% decline in the CoFIF rates on 26 February. The drop has been widely anticipated after CoFIF’s April contracts edged up 4% on 19 February, the first trading day after the Chinese New Year holidays but quickly qave up the gains the next day before flat-lining for rest of the week on relatively low turnover with traders
The number of containerships diverted from the Suez to the Cape route has rebounded to a record high of 403 units for 5.14m TEU as at 25 February 2024. The recent surge was partly due to CMA CGM’s decision to reroute from the Red Sea since 1 February 2024 even though the French carrier has backtracked since then with the 16,022 teu CMA CGM JULES VERNE making an eastbound Red Sea passage last week, with a second ship (the 14,414 teu CMA CGM T. ROOSEVELT) scheduled to follow later this week despit
Register Free Trial [https://www.linerlytica.com/register/?utm_source=W202409] The Red Sea crisis continues to drive the container market as the number of ships diverted to the Cape route hit a fresh high with no signs of abating. This will continue to create a capacity shortage across all routes, with the Cape diversions and incremental capacity needed to connect to Red Sea and Med ports already soaking up more than 7% of the global containership fleet. Freight rates retained most of the Janua